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Philosophy and Mission

Our Philosophy

We are a team based crossroads curriculum where traditional teaching styles meet and merge with technology.

Mission Statement

Power Middle School will provide a safe and caring environment, which allows students and staff to maximize individual growth as they make transitions in a changing world.

Power Middle School Beliefs

Power Middle School is…

  1. a place where kids are treated fairly, supported, respected, develop character, feel valued, and have an appreciation and a desire to learn
  2. a place where the staff is cohesive, respected, friendly, flexible and enthusiastic
  3. working toward an ideal learning environment that consists of maximizing emotional, social and academic growth through challenging experiences and high expectations, in which individual differences are celebrated
  4. a learning environment where students are treated with the utmost respect according to the 3 C’s:  consistency, compassion and natural consequences
  5. a safe, respectful and caring environment, which encourages staff and students to achieve their personal best in a creative, stimulating atmosphere. It will encourage individuals to be independent learners and contribute to the community.
  6. a place where students will acquire the necessary social and academic skills for their future as contributing members of a global society

Farmington Public Schools Student Learner Profile:

  • Collaborative Team Member
  • Life – Long Learner
  • Healthy Individual
  • Responsible Citizen
  • Knowledgeable Thinker
  • Quality Producer
  • Thoughtful Problem Solver
  • Effective Communicator

District Mission/Learning Guidelines

District Beliefs (Mission 2007) – Developed as part of a community-wide forum which included staff, parents, community members and business partners.

  • Learning is a life long process
  • Individual responsibility is fundamental to learning
  • There is strength in diversity
  • Positive relationships enhance effectiveness
  • Effective communication is key to growth and understanding
  • Working cooperatively enhances individual and group performances
  • All individuals have unique gifts and talents
  • Change provides opportunities for growth
  • A commitment to quality requires a system to continually improve
  • Learning empowers and all individuals can learn

Best Instructional Practices

  • Teach to uniqueness of learners -learning styles, multiple intelligences, cultural and gender differences
  • Provide optimal learning environments
  • Prepare the learner
    • Adequate nutrition and water
    • Pre-exposure and prior knowledge
    • Graphic organizers
    • Goal-setting
    • Managing states
  • Use of enrichment, novelty, rituals and feedback
  • Incorporate movement
  • Enhancing cognition – Habits of the mind
  • Engage emotions
  • Engage multiple memory pathways
  • Use music with a purpose
  • Elicit intrinsic motivation and rewards
  • Use multiple forms of assessment, goal setting, portfolios 
  • Student involved conferences
  • Cooperative learning
  • Focus on major concepts and real world problems


Battle of the Books
Battle of the books
Battle of the Books