Philosophy and Mission
Our Philosophy
We are a team based crossroads curriculum where traditional teaching styles meet and merge with technology.
Mission Statement
Power Middle School will provide a safe and caring environment, which allows students and staff to maximize individual growth as they make transitions in a changing world.
Power Middle School Beliefs
Power Middle School is…
- a place where kids are treated fairly, supported, respected, develop character, feel valued, and have an appreciation and a desire to learn
- a place where the staff is cohesive, respected, friendly, flexible and enthusiastic
- working toward an ideal learning environment that consists of maximizing emotional, social and academic growth through challenging experiences and high expectations, in which individual differences are celebrated
- a learning environment where students are treated with the utmost respect according to the 3 C’s: consistency, compassion and natural consequences
- a safe, respectful and caring environment, which encourages staff and students to achieve their personal best in a creative, stimulating atmosphere. It will encourage individuals to be independent learners and contribute to the community.
- a place where students will acquire the necessary social and academic skills for their future as contributing members of a global society
Farmington Public Schools Student Learner Profile:
- Collaborative Team Member
- Life – Long Learner
- Healthy Individual
- Responsible Citizen
- Knowledgeable Thinker
- Quality Producer
- Thoughtful Problem Solver
- Effective Communicator
District Mission/Learning Guidelines
District Beliefs (Mission 2007) – Developed as part of a community-wide forum which included staff, parents, community members and business partners.
- Learning is a life long process
- Individual responsibility is fundamental to learning
- There is strength in diversity
- Positive relationships enhance effectiveness
- Effective communication is key to growth and understanding
- Working cooperatively enhances individual and group performances
- All individuals have unique gifts and talents
- Change provides opportunities for growth
- A commitment to quality requires a system to continually improve
- Learning empowers and all individuals can learn
Best Instructional Practices
- Teach to uniqueness of learners -learning styles, multiple intelligences, cultural and gender differences
- Provide optimal learning environments
- Prepare the learner
- Adequate nutrition and water
- Pre-exposure and prior knowledge
- Graphic organizers
- Goal-setting
- Managing states
- Use of enrichment, novelty, rituals and feedback
- Incorporate movement
- Enhancing cognition – Habits of the mind
- Engage emotions
- Engage multiple memory pathways
- Use music with a purpose
- Elicit intrinsic motivation and rewards
- Use multiple forms of assessment, goal setting, portfolios
- Student involved conferences
- Cooperative learning
- Focus on major concepts and real world problems